March 1, 2012

The Bold and the Beautiful

Bold eyebrows keeps surfacing in fashion once in a while. But I believe this is more than a fad. It's a personality. Anyone who admires Jennifer Connelly's style would  agree with me on this.

The filled in but neatly kept look gives an impression of a woman who is strong and who means business. But there I said it, it has to be neatly kept, or you might end up looking un-groomed. Brow gel and a brow brush are must tools to achieve this look with the beauty it is intended for.

The simplest way to achieve this look is to fill in your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil that is one shade lighter than your brow colour. This would avoid the mime artist look. And then you need to use an angled brush to blend in the colour and reduce the severity of the pencil strokes. Finally add a touch of the brow gel to the brow brush to set them in.